Dog Longevity Blog | Crafted Better Days

Praise for The Forever Dog by Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Praise for The Forever Dog by Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Posted by Russ Easter on 1st Aug 2024

My favorite, must read, canine health book has garnered a lot of attention recently!  "The Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier & Longer" by Rodney Habib and Dr. Karen Shaw Becker. delves into the science behind extending the lifespan and improving the quality of life for dogs.

Becker and Habib combine human longevity research with veterinary science to provide insights into promoting longevity in dogs. They break the book into three parts

  1. The history of how modern dogs are more unwell than their predecessors;
  2. What we can learn from the longest living dogs; and
  3. How to turn your dog into a “forever dog.”

Their practical approach is paired with extensive science-based research.

They detail key concepts such as "DOGS" (Diet and Nutrition, Optimal Movement, Genetic Predispositions, Stress and Environment) and "the 5 R’s" (Reduce Processed Food, Revise Meal Timing and Frequency, Ramp Up Physical Exercise, Refill deficits and deficiencies with supplements, Rethink Environmental Impacts,) to guide dog owners in supporting their pets' well-being.

Additionally, the book addresses common concerns about food toxicity for dogs, simplifying the list to just five foods to avoid: Grapes (and raisins), Onions (and chives), Chocolate, Macadamia nuts, and Nutmeg.

The authors emphasize the importance of incorporating fresh foods into a dog's diet, even if it's just a small percentage, and they introduce the concept of "Core Longevity Toppers" (CLTs) as a way to supplement a kibble diet with fresh foods, promoting diversity and balance in nutrition and touch on CLT's many times throughout the rest of the book.

I felt a tinge of excitement when I began reading page 114 of the book because, although that's what I have been creating for my dogs and others for years, it turned out to actually have a name!! The only difference is we've created 4 different types of CLT's for every stage of a dog's life and incorporated an all-natural CBD compound, supported by the research of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and The Humane Society of the United States.

"The Forever Dog" serves as a valuable resource for dog owners, offering science-based information to help dogs live healthier and longer lives. It encourages dialogue with veterinarians and other professionals to ensure informed decision-making regarding canine care.

Ultimately, our goal is to share helpful information and foster discussions that benefit all dogs, regardless of breed or background. We welcome feedback and recommendations from our community to continue promoting the well-being of dogs everywhere.